S C H N E E L E  G I T A R R E N B A U

Jonas Anatol Schneele

Rauhhornstr. 13

D-87527 Sonthofen

+49 162 547 2439




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Haben Sie Fragen zu den Instrumenten, zum Bestellvorgang, den Preisen, zu einer Restaurierung oder Reparatur? Sie können mich hierfür gerne anrufen oder kontaktieren sie mich direkt über das Kontaktfeld.


Do you have any questions about the instruments, the ordering process, prices, restoration or repair? You can call me for this or contact me directly via the contact field.

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"I've owned this guitar since summer 2018 and I'm very happy with it. My colleagues from the Eos Guitar Quartet can finally hear me. The warm yet crisp basses blend beautifully into the overall sound of the quartet and the brilliant trebles come through clearly.

In combination with other instruments, the Concert proves its worth and holds its own against the trumpet, alphorn or cello. As a soloist, I enjoy playing classical guitar literature on it, from Bach to Albéniz, Koshkin, Bellinati, Dyens and Callahan. It is also good for jazz and flamenco. I play this instrument every day and it is developing magnificently."